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Tag Archives: Recipes

How to choose children’s snacks to be beneficial?

More than half of children’s daily sugar intake comes from sweetened snacks and drinks. The body will convert sugar that is received in excess of what is needed into stored fat. And it leads to diseases such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. In addition, snacks contain

Benefits of flaxseeds.

Flaxseeds has long been famous for its health and medical benefits. Eating flaxseed may provide health benefits in the following ways: Strengthen the heart Flax seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid. (Alpha-Linolenic Acid: ALA), which is an unsaturated fatty acid in the Omega 3 group that is  essential to the

Nutritional benefits of lemon.

Lemon is one of the nearby citrus fruits that besides being used in cooking adds a sour taste. The fruit, peel, juice and oil of lemons are also used to treat a variety of ailments. Iron deficiency.  Treatment of patients whose body does not absorb iron well

Broccoli and its benefits for diabetics.

In addition to being beneficial to diabetic patients in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Eating broccoli may also directly benefit people with diabetes. There is research that builds on the properties of broccoli in reducing blood fat that research has found. Type 2 diabetics who consumed

What fruits are high in vitamin C?

In this article, we have selected examples of fruits rich in vitamin C. Which are easy to buy and inexpensive in Thailand, types to give you ideas for choosing to eat fruits that are high in vitamin C as follows: Orange If talking about vitamin C Many

Nutritional benefits of lemon.

Lemon is one of the nearby citrus fruits that besides being used in cooking adds a sour taste. The fruit, peel, juice and oil of lemons have also used for a variety of medicinal purposes. Iron deficiency  Treatment of patients whose body does not absorb iron well

How to eat apple to be safe and healthy?

Apple is a fruit that can be eaten by all genders and all ages. You can eat the whole apple or drink it as juice. Polyphenols from apples may be safe for the body if consumed or applied to the skin in the short term. Importantly, you

What Are The Health Benefits Of Peanuts?

Good for heart health The benefits of eating peanuts and preventing deadly diseases like heart disease are widely discussed. One study looked at 118,962 women and men over 20 years who had no previous history of cancer, heart disease or stroke. The results showed that the frequency of nut consumption